Friday, August 30, 2013

The Laws And Regulations We Need, But Will Never Get.

You go to the doctor. She tells you a significant portion of your body is broken and you're going to die. It must be fixed for the good of your entire body and everybody else's body too. She comes back with a 1000+ page stack of paper full of medicalese that explains what she is going to do to you to "fix it".

You ask what's in the 1000+ pages. She tells you it's good for you and will save you money. You ask her how exactly it does that. She sends you to a bureaucrat who speaks "economist" at you for two hours, no questions allowed. You return to your doctor's office and ask again what the procedures will do and how much it will cost. She tells you'll find out once the work is done and the fix is in.

You wake up wondering what's going on only to find that some key parts of the procedure have been postponed because they couldn't figure out how to do them in the time they promised. You find out that they also missed 72 of 84 key checkpoints on the list of things they said they had to do to fix you. You also find out that a some of the doctor's favorite crony-organs got an exemption and don't have to suffer through "the fix".

You decide to get a second opinion (Yeah, a bit late, but hey - it sounded so good why would anyone have questioned it..). This doctor says that what they have started to do to you will damage your life significantly and stands a good chance of killing you. You ask what's in it that could kill you. The doctor says "pretty much all of it". As he's walking off, he mentions that the IRS will be managing "the fix" ongoing.    

If a doctor, a lawyer, or a hair stylist could not, or just chose not to, tell you what they were going to do to you and what it would cost - then went ahead and did it, or at least part of it, and still did not tell you the mid and long term effects and costs - they would fined, fired, jailed, beaten to a pulp - or preferably, all the above. 

Yet that is exactly what politicians did to us with "The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act", aka Obamacare. They passed a bill with many thousands of pages that apparently, no one read and is not understood. They seem to be making up for their lack of planning by applying massive amounts of bureaucracy and exempting themselves and their cronies from the effects of the "law" they passed.

We still do not know to and degree of certainty what the consequences of the bill will be, both intended and unintended. We have politician-speak assuring us "its for our own good" - which is exactly what a despot would say when they are taking over you life and that of your fellow citizens. 

I believe we need to make a change that everyone except politicians and their appointed lackeys can believe in. We need laws and regulations on office holders such that when they vote to pass a bill, and the bill passes, each and every one who voted for it is liable, criminally and civilly, for the consequences of that bill.

Further, each politician must create a document of no more than 10 pages explaining in clear English (no politician-speak allowed) exactly what the bill will and will not do. They must sign and notarize that document (I don't trust them) and send a copy to every one of their constituents and put a copy on the website.

Failure to honestly, accurately, clearly and thoroughly explain to the people what the bill will and will not do is a federal felony offense punishable by heavy fines, loss of office and prison time.

Before the final vote is taken by both houses of Congress, every Congressperson would be required under penalty of law to sign a binding legal contract with the American people demonstrating, in their own words, that they have read, understand and are proficient and knowledgeable enough on the bill's intended and probable-unintended impacts and costs to vote intelligently and honestly for or against the bill.

And the office-holder will be held legally accountable for their vote.

Politicians, more accurately called power-mad liars, are screwing us over on a daily basis are taking more power from us every day - they have placed themselves well above the law and far above the people.

Elected and appointed officials are our servants - not our masters. That is how a government elected by free people to govern themselves is supposed to be and is the only way our democratic republican can be sustained and prosper.

1 comment:

  1. Some good ideas. I'm particularly fond of the written assignment explaining what the bill will and will not do. On a similar note, I've often thought it a good idea to get rid of presidential debates and instead give candidates a solid hour to directly address the American people without dodging questions or attacking opponents. An hour of pure "this is where I stand..."
